Idyllic scenes of villagers are the main subjects for this Goa Based artist Mohan Naik. He draws his inspiration from his immdeiate surroundings and is ready to accept the same says the artist “living in a isolated village in South Goa I am amidst nature and my surrounding life inspires me more than anything to paint. In the beginning I was influenced by Indian miniatures and old masters. Today I have created my own Identity.” Though one can still see traces of the Indian miniatures in the stylisation of the elongated and simplified figures.

I have my unique style, which is the result of constant, experimentation. It is the composition of simplified forms and motifs, along with appropriate color schemes.” Naik has a prediliction towards warm hues of golden yellows, ochers and oranges – the colors of Goa. The Goa that the artist depicts is not of fun and the sea but the simple rustic people of Goa and the village life. “Basically I’m from a farmer’s family. I depict my childhood memories and what I see around me in my day today’s life

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